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Monday 19 December 2011

My Journey to Islam

By - Zana Pajović

"This is the story about my journey to Islam, and I write this exclusively to page, one of the Islamic Pages/Groups where I learned about Islam. Alhamdulillaah.  And really hope it can inspire the other too, InshaAllaah"
At the beginning I want to tell you that everything I knew about Islam is that Muslims read the Qur'an and do not eat pork.  I grew up with them, one of the my best friend is muslim and very strange is that I had never asked what is actually Islam. The medias are weird, represent Islam in the worst sense - Muslims as terrorists, and the truth is completely different.
I was born into an Orthodox family, baptized when i was nine (9), i did not go to church neither read the Bible, because my father was an atheist.  Although the environment was such stranged that going to church means you're 'crazy', it did not mean that I wasn't a believer, because I am.  I believed in Jesus as the son of God with all my being. Celebrated Christmas and Easter. Believed in his crucifixion and that he gave his life for our sins. Cross and the icon of the Virgin Mary with Jesus from the baptism I kept all these years with me.
How was everything going on?  Hmmm, there was a request for friendship on the social network"facebook".  I accepted, although the name 'Light of Truth' to me was ridiculous.  To the question 'Who are you?' I got the answer 'your light of truth'.  He immediately put me into the group 'Islam or Christianity' in which I stayed just to see what's happened out there.  I learned a lot of things on that group.
Christians have defended theirs, and Muslims too.  It hurt me, I admit, whenever the Muslims said, 'Jesus was not crucified, Jesus was a Muslim, Jesus is not God' and I used to say some bad words and insulted as amounts of lies, I have defended Christianity with all my might.  They told me 'You have the Miracles in the Quran, you have the evidence' and I said 'I swear I will never read the Quran. "
I went to another group (where I stayed in the first) and the wall was filled only a Christian theologian, and Muslims have only commented.  There was a Muslim who is spoken so nice about everything.  Simply and calmly, He had sent evidence from the Quran and I read.  I believed in all this but I refused to accept the truth. Muslims are represented by their religion in right way, and I saw it, but I did not want to accept.
In the first group, I told the Muslims to go out of it and that God will give me time to understand what is true.  Their answer was, 'How do you know, you can die tomorrow?'.  I had replied to them, 'I believe' and went from both groups. I stayed in touch with some of them, a married couple from Serbia and some other people.
I cried, told God that He does not leave me. One woman (a married couplefrom Serbia) sent me a video about Christians who converted to Islam. Then I asked her what was  "to courts" (dova), and she said,  "Stretch out your hands toward heaven and ask God to make your soul large and to make you go on the way of truth."  I did this. I will never forget it.  I did not pray to Jesus, i did it only to God.
And then, one night I dreamt that I was looking for someone with my best friend, but I could not find that person.  Suddenly she told me something which made me realized that it was a dream and I asked 'Where did you get that?' and she responded 'Well, in the Quran."
When I woke up, I thought that it was nothing, just a dream. But God does not let me, I still dreamt, the dreamt to walk with someone and that someone told me something about the accent that is not true, and I answer him, “It's true! I swear to Allah."
I knew that it is !  God has sent me on right way.  Then I browsed on the net, I found the Quran and read. I had no doubt what I was read, and everything i didn't understand, i used to ask the husband of this woman from Serbia.  My friend from Egypt was translating it for me in English, then I stopped after 20 surah.  And you know why? Because God's Word should be read in person.  And this woman's husband brought me a Qur'an from Serbia.  When I was first listening The Quran in Arabic language on the CD, my heart was pounding too hard.  I could not hardly wait to go home and read the Qur'an.
Ablution (al-wudu)?  Funny, I had no idea what it was, but the Quran should not be read if you are impure.  I browsed on the net and watched a group of  'Islam or Christianity.'  I saw a man in a nice way to communicate and I sent him a message on "Facebook" with the question 'Are you ready?'.  His answer was,  'It depends for what' to which I responded with 'To teach me Islam', and he was to respond 'For that I am always ready'.  I must mention that we never communicated before .  I had stated to him my situation, I was reading the Quran, and he interpreted one month.
Beside him, there were many more who have helped me.  When I read the Qur'an in which I had no doubts and I read it with tears on my face,  I decided to accept Islam. I say SHAHADAH in front of a witness, and now, to all you read this I witness in front of you with all my heart I believe, on language I speak that "I testify there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, and I testify Muhammad is His slave and messenger.
Remember at the beginning of my muslim friend i was growing up?  When I told him that I am a Muslim, he could not believe it! Now i have to learn a lot The road to truth is long, but with Allah's help, I started it.  And I ask Allah to help me to pass through the gates of His Paradise!  Some will say that I am a weak, and I say to them “I am strong!“
The best words are the words of Allah, and He says, "Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind". [The Quran, Surah Al-Hajj (22): 46]



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